CatholicPsych Blog

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God Created Us to Need Each Other

God Created Us to Need Each Other

Modern culture seems to no longer see why men and women need each other, especially when it comes to the structure of a family. God designed the family so that both men and women's contributions are needed. You probably already know by now that I have a weekly podcast...

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My Time with Fr. Benedict

My Time with Fr. Benedict

Religious Life with Fr. Benedict Groeschel Not many married men can say they lived the religious life for a time. I had the very unique blessing of spending 3 and a half years as a Franciscan Friar. I could fill volumes on what I learned during that time in religious...

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Walking with the Wounded Soul

Walking with the Wounded Soul

How can we better come to understand the ways we hide ourselves to protect against the pain we’ve experienced - but which end up causing other problems? Where do we find emotional healing? Strength in relationship God designed our humanity in such a way that even...

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The Pope and I, a Sinner

The Pope and I, a Sinner

Homosexuality is a cross that no heterosexual will ever understand. Let's make sure we're treating others as Jesus treated ALL people. Reflecting on Pope Francis' stance on homosexuality First of all let me begin with what this article is not. It is not a response to...

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Healing During Crisis: My Soul Clings to You

Healing During Crisis: My Soul Clings to You

Healing during crisis can feel difficult. Maureen O'Connell reflects on her own experiences and how we can keep ourselves on a path towards healing. Reflection on a time of crisis in the Church ~Psalm 63~ I’ve been sick for about two months. Really sick. A few times I...

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