Catholic Psychology is built on the premise that we are on a journey for purpose, and we can find happiness if we look in the right place.
In the image and likeness of God
Catholic Anthropology (the study of human beings) is built on the principle that human beings are created in the Image and Likeness of God, who is the Creator.
We are loved, and our Creator has a plan for us because of that love. This is a radical statement that sets Christian belief apart from most other worldviews.
Christianity also holds that our Creator shares the nature of humanity in the person of Jesus Christ.
By following Christ, and forming a relationship with Christ, humanity can learn how to live in a fully human way. By following the way of Christ, people can reach their fullest potential.
It all comes down to happiness

Happiness. That is the one thing that almost everyone can agree on as a common goal regardless of his or her worldview.
In the Christian framework, people can experience happiness when they are moving towards their greatest potential.
A sense of purpose is derived from this developmental perspective of life.
Some might say, “it’s not in the destination, it’s in the journey.” Well, happiness is not a lofty goal that we are forced to reserve for the end of the journey, but a journey directed towards a goal is necessary to experience happiness.
We need to be able to answer the question, “Where am I going?” Christianity offers an answer to that question, and our life is directed towards that answer.
Happiness comes from the experience of this journey. It is the “purpose-driven life.”
Catholic Psychology gives us a framework
Catholic Psychology is built on the premise that we are on this journey, and we can find happiness if we look in the right place.
Catholic Psychology gives the psychologist a framework, or theory, to work from. It gives the psychologist a way of being a psychologist, and it also gives the psychologist a way to see the client.
Catholic Psychology does not require the client to be Catholic, and it doesn’t mean that the therapy is spiritual in it’s practical application. More on this in a later post.

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