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God Created Us to Need Each Other

God Created Us to Need Each Other

Modern culture seems to no longer see why men and women need each other, especially when it comes to the structure of a family. God designed the family so that both men and women's contributions are needed. You probably already know by now that I have a weekly podcast...

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Emotional Pornography

Emotional Pornography

There are two types of pornography: physical and emotional. Let's talk about what emotional pornography is and why it tends to target and hurt women. Sex sells Marketing in our culture is almost exclusively based on sex. We have known this for years, and although we...

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The Light That Shines in the Darkness

The Light That Shines in the Darkness

Though He doesn't always take away our problems, Jesus is the light that dispels our fears and uncertainties. Change can be scary The year 2020 reminded us that it’s really scary to not be in control; to live in time where things can change rapidly from moment to...

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Proposing Love

Proposing Love

Misguided ideas about gender and sexuality have infiltrated schools, homes, families, marriages, parishes, and communities, causing many Catholics to feel lost in how to approach conversations related to those topics.  How do we react? The possibility for conflict and...

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Who Are We, Really?

Who Are We, Really?

Guest blogger and CatholicPsych Institute psychotherapist, Sean Faulkner, LPC, shares what should define our identity, and what shouldn't. God is in our identity There are many ways that we try to define ourselves. We so often seek to determine our identity based on...

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Become Who You Are

Become Who You Are

Are you waiting for life to look a certain way before focusing on faith? The truth is, you have everything you need right now to become who you are - a saint! Once/Then Reasoning It's easy to fall into thinking in “once/then” terms when it comes to holiness.  This...

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A Match Made in Heaven: 5 Tips for Online Dating

A Match Made in Heaven: 5 Tips for Online Dating

I want to give some tips for online dating, to the very large population of single men and women using the same means to find their vocation that Barbra and I did. The love of my life I married the love of my life. I met the one woman in the world chosen for me from...

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St. Therese: Just a Cute Saint?

St. Therese: Just a Cute Saint?

St. Therese is generally regarded as a cute saint. But there was much more to her as found in her writing and way of thinking that we can apply to our lives today. St. Therese's not-so-cute writing In her autobiography, she wrote the types of things that might make...

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On Having a Baby

On Having a Baby

My wife gave birth to our first son, Elijah. This event has turned my life upside down. Here are some of my thoughts on having a baby. 3 thoughts I've had over the past year What I thought I knew before was only a shadow of knowledge, and what I felt before was...

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Show Me Your Face: Being Present With Your Children

Show Me Your Face: Being Present With Your Children

Jenny Uebbing shares how you can try to be more present with your children during the times when you'd rather escape parenting. Parenting in 21st century America “Mommy, make a happy face at me.” I look up from the glow of my laptop, irritated, hearing for perhaps the...

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What Does Catholic Psychology Mean?

What Does Catholic Psychology Mean?

Catholic Psychology is built on the premise that we are on a journey for purpose, and we can find happiness if we look in the right place.  In the image and likeness of God Catholic Anthropology (the study of human beings) is built on the principle that human...

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The Darkness of Time and the Light of Faith

The Darkness of Time and the Light of Faith

Though we are limited by our mortal understanding, our souls can find reassurance when we remember the promises of God and Jesus Christ, who is the light of our faith. Light and darkness In his encyclical Lumen Fidei, Pope Francis talks about faith as...

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Who Would Win – Chuck Norris or the Dos Equis Guy?

Who Would Win – Chuck Norris or the Dos Equis Guy?

If we know it or not, the natural need for male role models is inside all of us. Awe-inspiring men Every day I take the subway to my office and I spend a few minutes staring at the ads in the train.  On the NYC trains, one company sometimes buys all of the ad space in...

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