CatholicPsych Blog

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Overwhelmed by Shame

Overwhelmed by Shame

Life isn't always so clean cut. Sometimes you are thrown a curveball and wondering how you're meant to make it through. With God, there is always hope. “Will they ask me about my baby's dad?” When I was pregnant, I would put on a fake wedding band when I'd go in...

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On Having a Baby

On Having a Baby

My wife gave birth to our first son, Elijah. This event has turned my life upside down. Here are some of my thoughts on having a baby. 3 thoughts I've had over the past year What I thought I knew before was only a shadow of knowledge, and what I felt before was...

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Show Me Your Face: Being Present With Your Children

Show Me Your Face: Being Present With Your Children

Jenny Uebbing shares how you can try to be more present with your children during the times when you'd rather escape parenting. Parenting in 21st century America “Mommy, make a happy face at me.” I look up from the glow of my laptop, irritated, hearing for perhaps the...

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What Does Catholic Psychology Mean?

What Does Catholic Psychology Mean?

Catholic Psychology is built on the premise that we are on a journey for purpose, and we can find happiness if we look in the right place.  In the image and likeness of God Catholic Anthropology (the study of human beings) is built on the principle that human...

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The Darkness of Time and the Light of Faith

The Darkness of Time and the Light of Faith

Though we are limited by our mortal understanding, our souls can find reassurance when we remember the promises of God and Jesus Christ, who is the light of our faith. Light and darkness In his encyclical Lumen Fidei, Pope Francis talks about faith as...

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Who Would Win – Chuck Norris or the Dos Equis Guy?

Who Would Win – Chuck Norris or the Dos Equis Guy?

If we know it or not, the natural need for male role models is inside all of us. Awe-inspiring men Every day I take the subway to my office and I spend a few minutes staring at the ads in the train.  On the NYC trains, one company sometimes buys all of the ad space in...

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CatholicPsych Is Back in Manhattan!

CatholicPsych Is Back in Manhattan!

You can now find CatholicPsych in Manhattan! A new collaboration: CatholicPsych and the Gianna Center We are excited to announce a new collaboration between the CatholicPsych Institute and the Gianna Center in NY.  As we are a union of body and spirit, treatment for...

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The Masculinity of St. Joseph

The Masculinity of St. Joseph

What does "non-toxic" masculinity looks like in today's culture? Does "non-toxic" masculinity exist? What's the first image that comes to your mind when you think about "masculinity"? The image will most likely differ drastically from person to person, and could range...

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5 Lessons for Bishops from a Married Man

5 Lessons for Bishops from a Married Man

I’d like to humbly share five lessons for Bishops from my own marriage and those I have worked with. To the Bishops of the Catholic Church Who Are Not Complicit in Scandalous Crimes: (To the Bishops who did know about the scandals and coverups, I’m not ready to write...

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5 Things to Know about the Church Crisis

5 Things to Know about the Church Crisis

I offer these observations as a humble attempt to contribute to the conversation that will hopefully move us through this church crisis to the great hope of renewal on the other side. As a Catholic Psychologist, I work very closely with the Church I am, of course,...

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5 Things to Do During the Church Crisis

5 Things to Do During the Church Crisis

With all the negativity and even the reality that there is little we can do in the face of some of this church crisis evil (read my post here about why this is the case), I want to talk about some things we can do. 1. Stay Catholic The Body of...

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Our Mom of Guadalupe

Our Mom of Guadalupe

Mary is God's mom, and she is also our mom. If we believe this powerful truth, it can fill us with belonging and love. Mary's appearance to Juan Diego Our Lady of Guadalupe is such a fascinating apparition of the Blessed Mother. First of all, she poses a real problem...

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50 Shades of Love in a Hopeless Place

50 Shades of Love in a Hopeless Place

From celebrities to bestselling books, our culture is suffering a dangerous identity crisis involving violence masked as love. Violence in the media You may have read in the news that Chris Brown was brought to court because he allegedly did not complete his community...

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Turning Loneliness into Solitude

Turning Loneliness into Solitude

We all experience a longing for Heaven, often manifested as loneliness here on Earth. Let's talk about this feeling and how we can use it to our benefit. A longing even your spouse can't fill I am now 17 days away from getting married. Everyone has a unique and...

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4 Steps to a Stress-Free Christmas

4 Steps to a Stress-Free Christmas

With the proper tools, you can have a stress-free Christmas this year and instead celebrate the birth of our Savior. The reality of the holidays Ah the Christmas season! Ideally, it's a time of year for enjoying holiday parties, delicious food, the exchanging of...

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Abundant Fruit of Catholic Mindfulness

Abundant Fruit of Catholic Mindfulness

In this guest post, CPI therapist Maureen O’Connell shares the many fruits of Catholic Mindfulness that have blessed her life for the better. A Tree is Known by its Fruit ~Luke 6:43 The email that changed my life How often do you delete marketing emails? If you’re...

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Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

As a Catholic I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I'd like to share my thoughts on why sex in marriage is so important when it comes to connecting us to God. In the image of God I will admit, I did not watch the Grammy’s last night. However as I...

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